make a circle

美 [meɪk ə ˈsɜːrkl]英 [meɪk ə ˈsɜːkl]
  • 围成一圈;构成圆形
make a circlemake a circle
  1. Several people make a circle .


  2. The children linked hands to make a circle .


  3. Hold your hands and make a circle .


  4. Now , let 's play a game to practice the verbs ' rule , please stand up and make a circle .


  5. So , he said . frist make a circle with a sharp thin piece of whale bone .


  6. Then we played mango mango , where you make a circle and sing , then when the song stops everyone has to freeze .


  7. The authors make a circle with the center of the circle located at the measuring point so that the irregular loop is divided into two parts , i.e.inside and outside the circle .


  8. That might make a virtuous circle turn vicious .


  9. I first learned how to make a green circle , and a red square appeared on the screen .


  10. We find a job , make a small circle offriends and acquaintances , and move into some cramped accommodation .


  11. They believe that if they make a perfect circle around the pottery , their spirit will be trapped inside the container .


  12. We find a job , make a small circle of friends and acquaintances , and MOVE into some cramped accommodation .


  13. Children and the future make a virtuous circle a lesson that the developed world would do well to ponder as it looks to the coming century .


  14. Americans are remarkably kind and hospitable and open with both guests and strangers ; yet they will make a wide circle around the man dying on the pavement .


  15. Mutual distrust , mutual non-interference and no communication lead students not to show necessary respect for their teachers , at the meanwhile teachers feel languor and lack the sacred feeling for his career . And all this will make a vicious circle .


  16. In the design of optical system , to improve system precision , the fiber optic coupler is added to make a laser pulse circle ;


  17. Make a big / small circle , one step backward / forward , everyone .


  18. The Chinese national flag and the American flag editing and change , make the LOGO form a circle of unity friendly mutual benefit performance trade philosophy .


  19. Making full use of the existing researching for reference , the thesis firstly gives the writer 's opinion about Sustainable Development , and says that the most important thing for sustainable development is to make resources agelong supply and make environment in a benign circle .
